Contact us today about our landlord special. Turn your investment property around in a day.
Farus Painting Residential Exterior Painting
As long-standing painters, we know what works and how to navigate our weather. We also have a fantastic team of in-house painters who are invested and committed to the success of your residential exterior painting project.
Farus Painting Residential Interior Painting
We offer consistent, awesome painting services, sharing our passion for our craft with you as we add beauty and value to your property. We’re in this together, and we appreciate your trust.
Farus Painting Commercial Exterior Painting
As experienced painters, we work hard to ensure long-lasting, durable finishes that can handle our inclement weather. This includes an emphasis on proper planning and preparation, using the best materials and equipment, and providing full cleanup to ensure your complete satisfaction.
Farus Painting Commercial Interior Painting
Our team has the experience and capabilities needed to handle all of your interior maintenance and improvement projects. We also understand that as a property owner or manager, your schedule and calendar are full.
Farus Painting Landlord Special
The “landlord special, one day in and out” painting service is a convenient option that balances the needs of both landlords and tenants, allowing for a quick and efficient refresh of rental units without causing excessive disruption.
Farus Painting Window & Trim Painting
Our interior window painting services are perfect for adding a touch of style to any room in your home. We use the latest techniques and premium quality paints to create a flawless finish that will last for years.
Farus Painting Deck Sealing & Staining
Our team of professionals have years of experience working with all kinds of wood decks, from small backyard decks to large multi-level decks. We offer a range of services to help keep your deck in top condition.
Farus Painting Cabinet & Door Painting
At Farus Painting, we understand the transformative power of a fresh coat of paint. That's why we're proud to offer a variety of cabinet painting services, including custom cabinet painting and refinishing, to meet your specific needs.
Farus Painting Fence Painting & Staining
At Farus Painting, we understand the importance of a beautiful and well-maintained fence. A freshly painted fence can add both beauty and value to your property, and we are here to help.
Farus Painting Brick Painting
When it comes to brick painting, Farus Painting is the company to turn to. With years of experience in the painting industry and a team of skilled professionals, we can help you transform the look of your property with a fresh coat of paint.
Farus Painting Stucco Repair & Painting
Our exterior painting professionals at Farus Painting know just how to handle your stucco painting and repair needs. Say goodbye to bulging stucco, cracks, and brown streaks.
Farus Painting Wallpaper Removal
Our crews use the highest-quality tools available for wallpaper removal, from the simplest scraping and sanding tools to heavy-duty industrial steamers. Thanks to years of professional experience, they will do the job faster and better than any DIY enthusiast.